Barcelona Tour Highlights


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The Catalunya History Museum, founded in 1996 is a an interesting insight into the country’s past.
Once a powerful Mediterranean state with reach as far as Athens. Catalunya has quite a history!
This well designed museum is the perfect way to experience the rich culture of this part of Spain.


Google Visitor Rating
The Catalunya History Museum, founded in 1996 is a an interesting insight into the country’s past.
Once a powerful Mediterranean state with reach as far as Athens. Catalunya has quite a history!
This well designed museum is the perfect way to experience the rich culture of this part of Spain.

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the history of catalunya

Catalunya origins 

The History of Catalunya Museum was founded in 1996. Catalunya has a rich and interesting history going back over 1000 years. The Catalan Government built the museum to make the country’s culture and history better known to visitors. The museum is housed in an old waterfront warehouse in Port Vell.

This area of the Iberian Peninsular was first settled in the Middle Palaeolithic era. The first proper settlements were built by the Greek and Carthaginian Empires. Next came the Romans and from then the cities of Barcelona, Tarragona and Empúries began to grow.

As the Roman Empire declined, the region was attacked and settled by the Visigoths. After that the Moors. However the Moors were defeated and expelled by the Frankish Empire in 801AD. Christianity had returned. As a result, local warlords united into one kingdom. It was ruled by the Count of Barcelona. Catalunya was born!

In the Middle Ages, the kingdoms of Catalunya and Aragon merged. As a result, this small maritime empire spread out to include Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Sardinia, Sicily, Naples and even for a short time, Athens. Finally, in 1469, King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile got married. This laid the foundations for a unified Spanish Christian state.

Loosing Independence

Catalunya carried on enjoying relative independence up until the War of Spanish Succession in 1701. Unfortunately, the region backed the loosing side. So after that, the new Bourbon king Philip V of Spain took revenge. He banned the language and closed the world’s first democratic parliament, formed over 500 years earlier.

The struggle continues

Similarly, the more recent history of Catalunya has been a story of struggle. With Catalans trying to keep their ancient culture and language alive. It has had various resurrections, most notably at the end of the 19th Century and again beginning of the 20th. However once again oppression returned, during and then after the Spanish Civil War. Franco was not a fan of Catalunya.

After Franco’s death and the return of democracy to Spain, Catalunya has begun to flourish. The 1992 Olympic Games marked its return to the international stage. Currently a pro-independence government is in place, with the stated aim to breakaway from the rest of Spain.

Catalunya History

The History of Catalunya museum is well put together and apart from highlighting the ‘Catalan’ story, it hosts  various events and exhibitions right through the year. The 1881 restaurant offers fine views over Port Vell.

Catalunya History Highlights

1888 Restaurant


Port Vell

